Product Matching Lessons and Recommendations from a Real World Application
Foxcroft J., Antonie L., Chen T., Padmanabhan K. and Keng B. (2021).
Published in Proceedings of Canadian AI 2021.

Multivariate Arrival Times with Recurrent Neural Networks for Personalized Demand Forecasting
Chen, T., Keng, B., Moreno, J. (2018)
Published in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining 2018 DMS Workshop.

A Marked Cox model for the Number of IBNR Claims: Estimation and Application
Badescu, A.L., Chen, T., Lin, X.S., & Tang, D. (2019)
ASTIN Bulletin 2019.

Kanchana P., Chen T. (2021).
YouTube (CORS 2021)
- Toronto Machine Learning Society - ML In Retail (2021-04-21).
- POMS 2021 - Global Supply Chain Management track (2021-05-04).
- Canadian AI 2021 - Industry Track (2021-05-25).
- CORS 2021